Are Your Briefs Tight Enough?
The Facts
Trying to do more marketing with less investment this year? You’re not alone in trying to do more with less money. It can be done, it’s not as hard as you may believe, but it starts with your scope of work, and a better-managed briefing process may be the answer to your marketing team. Clients want sales, fair enough, and most client direction is flat wrong. Clients think the job of the Brief is to provide a cast-in-stone solution to the sales problem.
Spiker Insights
Creativity solves problems. If we don’t have a detailed and accurate problem, we can’t be creative. So creativity starts with the problem, not the solution. If we study the greats of our industry, their successes and failures, we will find that their thinking started long before the Client Brief. Their thinking started with redefining the problem.
As Einstein said “If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about the solution.” Because if he got the problem right, the solution would be easy, but if he got the problem wrong, there would be no solution. In other words, the real problem is to know what the real problem is.