The Road To Travel Recovery
The Facts
The effect of COVID-19 on the travel industry is not only unprecedented, but will have a lasting impact for a few years. Over half of all global vacations planned for 2020 have been cancelled. Vacations are still front-of-mind for many consumers, but it’s not as simple as reopening the front doors of the resort. Safety has become absolutely vital and is something everybody must consider.
Spiker Insights
Like us, we expect you’ve been gazing longingly at your computer for some time now. Your mind filled with dreams of travel − I just want to meet the family in Disney World this October − and many of you want to hit the road or skies again.
Our love for travel has not changed, and it’s more charged up now after sitting in place for six months. I can assure you that we will share the world again, perhaps sooner than you think.
In the meantime, we’ve been busy working with a handful of incredible North American new partners developing updated brand stories and images for when the time is ready to travel, and it’s getting closer than ever.
Right now we are here to help and guide you on updating your brand message coming off the COVID−19 shock. The time to be working with someone like us is now, and we wish you luck in moving through this ever-changing sea of information, advice and opinion.
I hope you will consider us a part of your next team project.